The Conures
Arrived: our family pet was 15 years ago
Where we fond them
We currently have 8 Conures, from two Sun Conures, a Golden Cap, a Jenday, a Painted Conure, and a few smaller varieties. We got our first conure as a family pet 15 years ago, Joey was a much loved parrot that was inseparable from her owner, our daughter, it was through Joey that our love for these birds were birthed, they are delightful pets and love there owners (mates) unconditionally.
We have adopted, been given, purchase a few and re-homed a few over the last few years. The ones that we still have are not pet birds and prefer the company of other birds, those that were pet birds we re-homed as they need constant attention.
After 13 years with us Joey our “boy” conure laid an egg, we were shocked to say the least, Joey was a girl!! We decided that she was obviously hormonal from hearing all the other conures in the garden and thought we would put in a male green checked conure with her. They lived together happily with Joey laying eggs sporadically, this took a lot out of her and we had to take her to the vet to get calcium injections. A few months ago our sweet little Joey passed as the calcium injection did not help her this time. To be honest, there is such a little know about birds and their ailments, having to take tests and waiting for results, in our experience when you notice there is something wrong with a bird you have a matter of hours to find the right treatment otherwise it is often to late. This was the hardest lesson we learnt.